Today the Mac App Store openend, and with it a great App, Twitter for Mac (formerly known as Tweetie 2) went public. The App is really great, featuring livestreams, a great UI and some cool features here and there. But I won't talk about Twitter for Mac now, because I think there is something more important to talk about.

Soon after the App Store opened, buyers of the MacHeist nanoBundle 2 received an email, with instrucions in it. With the instructions you can unlock some cool features in Twitter for Mac. But I wondered, what they could have hided in the confirmation page. And I soon found out, that there was a secret drawer on the bottom of the page (thanks for @Zett for pointing this out). It was flipped, so I made a screenshot, flipped the image again, and saw some icon. I wondered what those icons meant, and soon after that @rosenkrieger found out, that the first icon could be Courier and the box could be Reeder for Mac.

So the question is, what are the other icons?